2 b Thou shalt eat the Easter lambe.
3 c Which signified that affliction which you haddest in Egypt.
5 d This was chiefly accomplished, when the temple was buylt.
6 e Which was institute to put them in remembrance of their deliuerance out of Egypt: & to continue them in the hope of Jesus Christ, of whome this lambe was a figure.
9 f Beginning at the next moring after the Passeouer, {Leuit 22,15, exo 13:4}
10 / Or, as thou are able, willingly.
13 g That is, the 15 day of the seuenth mounth, {Leu. 23,24}.
13 ! And the feast of tabernacles.
17 h According to the abilitie that God hathe giuen him.
18 ! What officers oght to be ordeined.
18 i He gaue autoritie to that people for a time to chuse for them selues magistrates.
20 k The magistrate must constantly follow the tenor of the Lawe, and in nothing decline from justeice.
21 ! Idolatrie forbidden.