1 ! The yere of releasing of debts.
2 a He shal onely release his dettors, which are not able to pay for the yere.
4 b For if thy dettor be riche, he may be constrained to pay.
5 ! God blesseth them that kepe his commandements.
7 / Or, anie of thy cities.
9 / Ebr. thyne eie be euil.
10 / Ebr. let not thine heart be euil.
11 d Thou shalt be liberal.
11 c To trie your charitie, {Mat 26,11}.
12 ! The fredome of seruants.
14 e In token that thou doest acknowledge the benefite which God hathe giuen thee by his labours.
17 f To the yere of Jubile, {Leuit. 25,40}.
18 g For the hired seruant serued but thre yeres, and he six.
19 ! The first borne of the cattel must be offred to the Lord.
19 h For they are the Lords.
22 i Thou shalt as wel eat them as the roe bucke, and other wilde beasts.