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0 Forasmuche as God hathe appointed that his Church in this worlde, shalbe vnder the crosse, bothe because they shulde learne not to put their trust in worldely things, and also fele his comforte, when all other helpe faileth: he did not straight way bring his people, after their departure out of Egypt, into the land which he promised them: but led them to and fro for the space of fourtie yeres, and kept them in continual exercises before they enjoyed it, to trye their faith, and to teache them to forget the worlde and depend on him. Which tryal did greately profite to discerne the wicked and the hypocrites from the faithful seruants of God, who serued him with pure heart, where as the other preferring their carnal affections to Gods glorie, and making religion to serue their purpose, murmured when they lacked to content their lustes, and despised them whome God had appoint rulers ouer them. By reason whereof they prouoked Gods terrible judgements against them, and are set forthe as a moste notable examples for all ages to beware how they abuse Gods worde, preferre their owne lustes to his wil, or dispise his ministers. Notwithstanding God is euer true in his promes, and gouerneth his, by his holy Spirit, that ether they fall not to suche inconueniences, or els returne to him quickely by true repentance: and therefore he continueth his graces toward them, he giueth then ordinances and instructions, aswel for religion, as outward policie: he preserueth them against all craft and conspiracie, and giueth them manifold victories against their enemies. And to auoyd all controuersies that might arise, he taketh awaie the occasions by diuiding among all the tribes, bothe the land, which they had wonne, & that also which he had promised, as semed best to his godlie wisdome.