2 / Ebr. shal rest a rest.
2 ! The Sabbath of the seuenth yere.
3 a The Jews began the count of this yere in September, for then all the frutes were gathered.
5 b By reasonne of the corne that fell out of the eares the yere past.
5 c Or, which thou hast separated from thy selfe, and consecrated to God for the poore.
6 d That which the land bringeth forthe in her rest.
8 ! The Jubile in the fiftieth yere.
9 e In the beginning of the 50 yere was the Jubile, so called because the joyful tidings of libertie was publikely proclaimed by the sounde of a cornet.
10 g Because the tribes shulde nether haue their possessiones, or families diminished nor confounded.
10 f Which were in bondage.
14 ! Not to oppresse their brethren.
14 h By deceit or otherwise.
15 i If the Jubile to come be nere, thou shalt sel better cheape: if it be farre off, dearer.
16 k And not the ful possession of the land.
18 / Or, boldely, without feare.
21 / Ebr. I wil commande.
23 l It colde not be solde foreuer, but must returne to the familie in the Jubile.
23 ! The sale and redeming of lands, houses, persones.
24 m Ye shal sel it on condicion that it may be redemed.
26 / Ebr. his hand hathe gotten.
27 n Abating the money of the yeres past, and paying for the rest of the yeres to come.
28 o From his handes that boght it.
30 p That is, for euer: read {ver. 23}.
34 q Where the Leuites kept their cattel.
35 r In ebr. it is, if his hand shake, meaning if he stretch forthe his hand for helpe as one in miserie.
42 s Vnto perpetual servitude.
45 t For thei shal not be boght out at the Jubile.
47 / Ebr. If his hand take holde.
50 x Which remaine yet to the Jubile.
53 y Thou shalt not suffre him to intreat him rigorously, if you knowe it.