1 a By touching the dead, lamenting, or being at their burial.
2 ! For whome the Priests may lament.
3 / Ebr. he may be defiled.
3 b For being maried she semeed to be cut of from his familie.
4 c Onely the Priest was permitted to mourne for his near kinred.
6 ! How pure the Priests oght to be, bothe in them selues and in their familie.
7 d Which hathe an euil name, or is defamed.
8 e Thou shalt counte them holy and reuerence them.
10 g He shal vse no suche ceremonies as the mourners obserued.
11 / Or, to the houses of the dead.
12 i For by his annointing he was preferred to the other Priests, & therefore colde not lament the dead, lest he shulde haue polluted his holy ointing.
14 k Not onely of his tribe, but of all Israel.
15 l By marying anie vnchaste or defamed woman.
18 m Which is deformed or bruised.
18 n As not of equal proportion, or hauing in nomber more or lesse.
20 o Or, that hathe a web or perle.
21 p As the shewe bread and meat offrings.
22 r As of the tenths & first frutes.
22 q As of sacrifice for sinne.
23 s Into the Sanctuarie.