1 ! Of beastes, fishes and birdes, which be cleane, and which be vncleane.
2 a Or,whereof ye may eat.
3 b He noteth foure sortes of beastes: some chewe the cud onely, and some haue onely the fote cleft: others nether chewe the cud nor haue the hoofe cleft: the fourthe bothe chewe the cud and haue the hoof diuided which may be eaten.
8 c God wolde that herby for a time thei shulde be discerned as his people from the Gentiles.
10 e As thei which come of generation.
10 d As litle fish ingendred of the slime.
13 / Or, gryphia, as is in the greke.
21 / Or, haue no bowings on thier feet.
22 f These were certeine kindes of grashopers, which are not now proprely knowen.
26 / Or, hathe not his fote clouen in two.
29 h The grene frog that sitteth on the bushes.
36 k So muche of the water as toucheth it.
38 l He speaketh of sede that is layed to stepe before it be sowen.
44 m He sheweth why God did chuse them to be his people, {1 Pet. 1,15}.