1 a When Moses and Aaron were gone vp or had passed the boundees of the people, God spake thus out of the mount of Horeb suche that all the people heard.
1 ! The commandement of the first table.
3 b To whose eies all things are open.
5 c By this outwarde gesture all kinde of seruice and worship to idoles is forbiden.
5 d And wil be reuenged of the contemners of mine honour.
6 e So ready is he rather to shewe mercie then to punish.
7 f Ether by swearing falsely, or rashly or contemning.
8 g Which is, by meditating the spiritual rest, by hearing Gods worde, and resting from wordelie trauails.
12 h By the which is ment all that haue autoritie ouer vs.
12 ! The commandement of the seconde.
13 i But loue and preserue thy brothers life.
14 k But be pure in heart, word and dede.
15 l But studie to saue his goods.
16 m But further his good name, and speake truth.
17 n Thou maiest not so muche as wishe his hindreance in anie thing.
18 ! The people afraid are comforted by Moses.
20 o Whether you wil obey his precepts as you promised, {chap.19:8}.
23 ! Gods of siluer and golde are againe forbiden.
24 ! Of what sort the altar oght to be.
25 / Ebr. it, that is, the stone.
25 p Which might be by his stouping or flying abroad of his clothes.