1 b That they departed from Rephidim.
1 ! The Israelites come to Sinai.
3 c God called Jaakob Israel, therefore the house of Jaakob, and the people of Israel signifie onely Gods people.
4 d For the egle by flying hie,is out of danger, and in carying her birdes rather on her wings then in her talants declareth her loue.
13 / Or, trumpes.
15 f But giue your selues to prayer and abstinence, that you may at this time attend only vpon the Lord, {1 Cor. 7:5}.
18 g God vsed these fearful signes that his Lawe shulde be had in greater reuerence, and his majestie the more feared.
18 h He gaue autoritie to Moses by plaine wordes, that the people might vnderstand him.
22 / Or, breake out vpon them.