4 a The carnal affection which he bare to his sonne, made him forget that which God spake to his wife {Chap. 25,23}.
12 / Or, as thogh I wolde deceiue him.
13 c The assurance of Gods decree made her bolde.
19 d Althogh Jaakob was assured of this blessing by faith: yet he did euil to seke it by lies and the more because he abuseth Gods Name therunto.
33 f In perceiuing his errour, by appointing his heyre against Gods sentence pronounced before.
36 g In {chap. 25} he was so called because he helde his brother by the hele, as thogh he wolde ouerthrow him: & therfore he is here called an ouerthrower or deceyuer.
38 / Or, I am also (thy sonne).
40 k Which was fulfilled in his posteritie the Idumeans: who were tributaries for a time to Israel, and after came to libertie.
41 ! Esau hateth Jaakob and threateneth his death.
45 n For the wicked sonne wil kil the godlie: and the plague of God wil afterward light on the wicked sonne.
46 o Which were Esaus wiues.