1 a These generations are here recited partely to declare the maruelous increase in so small a time, and also to set forthe their great forgetfulnes of Gods graces towards their fathers.
1 ! The increase of mankinde by Noah and his sonnes.
5 c The Jews so call all countreis which are separated from them by sea, as Grecia, Italie, &c which were giuen to the children of Japheth, of whome came the Gentiles.
9 f His tyrannie came into a prouerbe as hated bothe of God and man, for he passed not to commit crueltie euen in Gods presence.
10 ! The beginning of cities, contreis and nations.
21 i In his stock the Church was preserued, therfore Moses leaueth of speaking of Japheth and Ham, and intreateth of Shem more at large.